Welcome to FCC Students!

FCC Students is for REAL middle and high school students (7th-12th grade) who come together to live REAL LIFE with one another!

Questions, contact Bob or Lindsey Jones at bob@fccwarsaw.com  OR lindsey@fccwarsaw.com

Wednesday Nights

Join us for our weekly Wednesday night programming here at FCC for middle and high school students (grades 7-12) for games, worship, teaching, and small groups from 6:30-8:30 pm! 

Sunday Mornings

9:15 am: Middle School and High School students are invited to attend the worship service. 

The IN-BETWEEN: Stay for coffee and refreshments that takes place between the two worship services.  

10:45 am:  Middle School & High School Class (Grades 7-12) meets in Room 120. 

Current Series: From Now On

January 8-29

During his time on earth, Jesus' message was clear - from now on, things will be different. Jesus spent his life showing people how God wanted to connect with them and help them connect with each other. Because of Jesus, our world can be forever changed—we just need to follow him. In this 4-week series from the Gospels, we'll explore what it means to follow Jesus and look at the life he invites us into.We'll see how we can trust Jesus is with us, how Jesus gives us peace, that we can trust Jesus loves us, and how Jesus gives us a place to belong.

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February Event

Friday, Feb 7

Come and help with kids and stay after for ice cream and games! Dinner provided. 

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Follow our social media for more information or updates.