Welcome to FCC Students!

FCC Students is for REAL middle and high school students (7th-12th grade) who come together to live REAL LIFE with one another!

Questions, contact Bob or Lindsey Jones at bob@fccwarsaw.com  OR lindsey@fccwarsaw.com

Wednesday Nights

Join us for our weekly Wednesday night programming here at FCC for middle and high school students (grades 7-12) for games, worship, teaching, and small groups from 6:30-8:30 pm! 

Sunday Mornings

9:15 am: Middle School and High School students are invited to attend the worship service. 

The IN-BETWEEN: Stay for coffee and refreshments that takes place between the two worship services.  

10:45 am:  Middle School & High School Class (Grades 7-12) meets in Room 120. 

March Series

Good movies capture our imaginations and transport us to other worlds. As we watch our favorite movies with popcorn in hand, we may not realize all of the work,edits, and rewrites that went into making the cinematic masterpiece.The same is true of our faith, too. We might expect our relationship with God to look like a finished product,but really, our faith and  relationship with God are still in the making. In this 4 -week series from the Gospels and Epistles,we'll explore what can happen when we invest in spiritual formation.We'll see how spending time with God can make us more like Jesus, how difficult moments can help our character grow and how we grow when we make things right with God.

The Making Of Series

Check out what we will be discussing each Wednesday!

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March Event

Friday, March 21 7-9:30 pm

Wear your best glow in the dark attire and come out for some great music, glow in the dark games and snacks! This event is at FCC! 

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April 26
9 am - 3 pm

We will head to the Jefferson Point Mall and have the ultimate scavenger hunt! You will need money for lunch and any shopping you would like to do afterwards. Space is limited on this one so make sure you sign up **HERE**!

Christ in Youth Convention

June 22-27

Join us for the highlight of our year for high schoolers! This week is packed full of spiritual renewal, small group time, worship, amazing speakers, a day full of fun for just our group, college campus food and dorms, sports competitions, and enouragement. Cost for food, lodging and transportation is $210. (Plus $$ for three fast food meals) Money due by May 31. 

Sign up at https://firstchristianchurch.breezechms.com/form/5632fe  

Spots are limited!

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Follow our social media for more information or updates.