Remember and Celebrate with us this Easter season as we hear Hope from the Cross. We will be exploring some of Jesus' final statements and how they are still impacting lives today. The new series starts April 6th and will culminate on Easter Sunday!
Come remember the sarcifice of Jesus with us during our Good Friday service on April 18th at 7 pm. We will have the nursery open for birth-3 years.
Celebrate with us on April 20th. We will have three services that morning for you and your family to enjoy together.
8:00 am (no FCC Kids), 9:15 am, & 10:45 am.
We hope to see you there!
Do you love flowers? We do too! Our stage will be filled with beautiful tulips and daffodils that you can purchase to take home after the 3rd service on Easter. Each flower is $8. We hope these can be a wonderful reminder of Easter for you all spring.