There are many weekly and monthly choices for all to get connected – Life Groups, Bible Studies, Sunday Morning Classes, and Disciple Making Groups.
If you are interested in joining an FCC group, click the button below.
We also have lots of opportunites for real men at FCC.
Men's Disciple Making Groups: These groups meet weekly and study the Word together while encouraging and challenging one another.
Men's Ministry Events: Our men's team throws great events for guys to get together, hang out, and grow.
We have lots of ways for real women to connect at FCC and live real life together!
Bible Studies: We have Bible studies for women to be in the Word each week that meet on Tuesday evening and on Wednesday morning.
Ladies' Lunch Bunch: Join a lively group of women for lunch once a month.
Women's Events: Our Women's Ministry team hosts quarterly events for women of all ages to connect and grow together!
Tuesday at 6:30 pm: Women's Bible Study meets at FCC.
Wednesday at 9:30 am: Sister's in Heart Bible Study meets at FCC.
Wednesday at 1 pm: Senior Adults' Bible Study meets at FCC.
9:15 AM Classes
Life Class with Larry Long in room 124
The Journey with Don Viers and Mark Mitchell in room 125
Elective Class with Glen Crouse in room 126
10:45 AM Classes
Kingdom Builders Class with Stephen Leininger in room 125
Seekers Class with Mark Lafountain in room 126
Join the church softball team for a great time of competition and make some new friends! Sign up by May 1 to be on one of our teams.